British Special Air Forces

Oct 5, 2017 at 11:36 PM


Greetings Martin,

Thank you for trying to help get Edmund support.  I’m working on “lighting a fire” under SAS right now but I don’t know how.  We need to get him flown back home to London. Enough is enough!  He needs to be extracted.  He is in extreme pain right now, he needs back surgery and this man has suffered enough!  We have nine years of documentation.  If anything happens to him, a whole lot of people are going to be in a whole lot of trouble.  We now have two attorneys assisting him formerly of the UK Parliament.  …bout to write Washington now.  My main contact there is Commander Melvin Gresham of D.C. Police.  He has a lot of my documentation and a whole list of Anonymous Open Source Intelligence Operatives that act as record-keepers for us.  If they kill one of us, they will have to kill all of us.  We are too many, and all over the globe.  I have everything decentralized.  

I think this is great though…during Occupy Wall Street we ran from police, now we are helping them! This indicates that we are making progress in the Global Coalition for the Rule of Law.  

I think Chief Newsham is running things over there now.  He needs to get Homeland Security Bureau involved (yeah I know many of them are corrupt but the whole intelligence world is watching, time for “clean-up”).  I know they have a special Ops Division.  I am guessing that they need to contact our military or maybe they have their own diplomatic division.  I don’t know how these things work! I could write USMC myself but I do not have a contact there and I do not get paid for this and Washington Metropolitan Police Department does.  Besides, I am working with zero training!  This is a global diplomatic issue as this whole case could blow up the global financial markets and topple entire governments.  So this is a HUGE international security issue.  If I can only convey this to them….hopefully…they will get on board.  USA needs to work WITH Great Britain right now but there is a whole lot of infighting going on.  Europe (especially Germany) will start to cozy up to BRICS as we have indicated by our analytics.  USA needs to join BRICS also for a peaceful transition in global monetary transformation.  Federal Reserve Notes are dead!  Shanghai Gold Exchange now has the upper hand in the metals markets.  The East could SQUASH us right now if they wanted to… but I guess if USA goes down, everything goes down.  Where are the adults in the room!?  

I can not even get to my British contacts on LinkedIn because I have been in “LinkedIn Jail” since September 11th.  OMG!  I just noticed this…9/11 they locked me out!  Is this a coincidence!?Edmund is in extreme pain right now, he has not been online for a week!  Dame Sally Coleman is texting with him everyday to monitor his safety.  I have to avoid contact with him right now because I was the one who caused the trigger with Edmund by not being available when he needed me.  I was working a temp clerical job and was distracted:( 

Edmund wants to clean up and reform the entire Illuminati, all International Intelligence, all International Police, all governments and courts.  In essence, he is training himself to be King.  It may seem to be a fantasy but this is how he finds the will to keep on living, and he IS very noble. He has suffered enough for the benefit of mankind, he deserves to be King! He is trying to do what JFK was trying to do, back the currency with gold. He wants the Global Debt Facility put on a Blockchain. One World Order; not the dreaded New World Order, Bush Clan’s wet dream. He wants to Free the People! Complete and total Emancipation. He has been sending all of his IP, registered mail to the Crown, for years!  What are they waiting for!? He also has six boxes of evidence sitting with him in Ireland. This man needs professional security and protection! 

OK, I am so tired Martin.  I am doing the work of too many people who should be stepping up to the plate.  I will try to find it in me to write a professional letter to Washington tonight.  I will copy you.  We need to protect and watch out for Dame Sally Powell, wife of Lain Coleman. The other attorney is Todd Foreman, they both want to be low profile so only share this on the back channels to trusted Operatives, not out on open public NET (PM’s are fine).  Todd has documentation in his emails from when Edmund first had the episode at Barclays and was hospitalized at Nightingale Hospital in London.  Decentralize anything I write to you to trusted members of the Collective. A surviving Banker and witness from the LIBOR fallout should not be suffering like this, for years! 

Legion Brother,

Miss Christine 




Sent from my iPad
On Oct 5, 2017, at 2:05 PM, Martin Lees <> wrote: 

Hi Christine,

I’m trying to get support to move Edmund how is he?? I’ve been down this week but aim on lifting everything ASAP. Maybe Facebook tonight and touch base on hook ups 

Best Regards 


Sent from my iPhone


On 1 Sep 2017, at 14:16, Christine Chadwick <> wrote:


Hi Martin, 


Where do we know each other from? Are you from Webdomizer? I will forward this to Edmund but I would like to learn more about you. Do you have any other social media presence? 


I appreciate you reaching out. 




Christine Michelle Chadwick


CI Officer – Edmund JM Dunne III 

Global Rescue Mission Coordinator 

Activist – OWS/Anonymous 

Relay The Investigation



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