Social Security Benefits Fraud

Representative Payee Fraud

Sometimes the Social Security Administration (SSA) will appoint a representative payee to accept Social Security payments for an individual who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to manage their own financial affairs. It’s fraud if the representative payee steals or mismanages the funds.

Just so everyone is on the same page, these people at the University Of Kentucky connected to Allen Brenzels office have been fabricating the payee form on the victim documented by the IRS since 2009. In fact from 2009-2020 the victim was having zeros filed on his payee reporting sheets some years being filed with the University Of Kentucky tax ID directly over the victims social security number for their defunct fraud railroading system that after a 10 year investigation yielded hundreds of victims connected to this mans office. One of them was a woman who committed suicide because she just kept getting abducted. The University of Kentucky un reported almost a million dollars of income on one victim and claimed medicare benefits for victims who did not even live in the state of Kentucky that year… this goes on for well over 13 years and once the questions are starting to be raised by the victims the University of Kentucky / LFUCG / KSP immediately attempt to subdue and torture the victims reporting it…

Concealing Personal Information

It’s fraud to conceal or shield personal data or information that could impact Social Security benefits. For example, accepting Social Security income for a child not under one’s care and supervision, or concealing work activity while receiving disability benefits. Another would be concealing a marriage or financial assets from the federal government while accepting means-based Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.

Illegitimate Deceased Benefits Fraud

When someone dies, their Social Security payments end. If a family member fails to notify the Social Security Administration of the death and continues to accept the deceased’s benefits, this is fraud.

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