Supporting Evidence 2024

This is not the first time that Kentucky and more specifically the LFUCG has been informed of how illegal they were operating their cherry picking operation but at this point since they are just blatantly criminally not reporting anything at all, just $1 worth of reporting would checkmate them and that is why they have gone full idiot on the most disturbing cover up mission a law enforcement agency could attempt.. the feds generally arrest people for doing crazy shit like this. However in Kentucky it’s a daily thing, you have a literal mafia of people who are in debt to the federal government 70% to even exist however they constantly have democrat politicians claiming that they are not needed.. this is bullshit and everyone knows it but somehow these blue zones which are two only at this point which would be Lexington & Louisville are primarily fraud and democrat mafia members basically just living off the rest of the state and since there is no electoral college in Kentucky the farmer is always silenced and the logical voter is non existent. Unemployment Fraud in Kentucky during COVID was the most disturbing state theft by democrat politicians in some time, I’m almost positive you should never forget the audit Frankfort deserves…

Relay The Investigation



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